UNU-MERIT Working Paper Series (Maastricht University)

No. Author(s)
2023-019  Amelie F. Constant
Simone Schüller
Klaus F. Zimmermann
Ethnic Spatial Dispersion and Immigrant Identity
(published in: Journal of Chinese Economic and Business Studies, 06 Jun 2023, 1-26 [Open Access] )
2021-035  Els Bekaert
Amelie F. Constant
Killian Foubert
Ilse Ruyssen
Longing for Which Home: Evidence from Global Aspirations to Stay, Return or Migrate Onwards
(published in: Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 2024, 219(3), 564-587)
2020-037  Amelie Constant
Nadja Milewski
Self-selection in Physical and Mental Health among Older Intra-European Migrants
(published in: The Journal of the Economics of Aging, 2021, 19(2), 1-41)
2020-004  Amelie Constant
Time-space Dynamics of Return and Circular Migration: Theories and Evidence
(published in: Handbook of Labor, Human Resources and Population Economics, K.F. Zimmermann (ed). Springer Nature: DE, 2020, 1-40)
2019-040  Amelie Constant
Return, Circular, and Onward Migration Ddecisions in a Knowledge Society
(published in: Economic Geography of Cross-Border Migration, K. Kourtit, B. Newbold, P. Nijkamp, M. Partridge (eds). The Regional Science Academy. Springer: DE, 2021, Chapter 7, 133-156)
2017-044  Amelie Constant
The Healthy Immigrant Paradox and Health Convergence
(published in: Journal of International Comparisons – CESifo. 2017, 15(3), 20-26)
2017-018  Amelie F. Constant
Klaus F. Zimmermann
Challenged by Migration: Europe's Options
(published in: Revue d'Economie Financière, 2017, 125(1), 195-207)
2016-062  Amelie F. Constant
Klaus F. Zimmermann
Towards a New European Refugee Policy that Works
(published in: Journal of International Comparisons – CESifo, 2016, 14(4), 2-8)
2016-051  Amelie F. Constant
Teresa Garcia-Munoz
Shoshana Neuman
Tzahi Neuman
A 'Healthy Immigrant Effect' or a 'Sick Immigrant Effect'? Selection and Policies Matter
(published in: The European Journal of Health Economics, 2018, 19(1), 103-121)
2016-050  Amelie F. Constant
Annabelle Krause
Ulf Rinne
Klaus F. Zimmermann
Reservation Wages of First- and Second-generation Migrants
(published in: Applied Economics Letters, 2017, 24(13), 945-949)
2016-042  Amelie F. Constant
Klaus F. Zimmermann
Diaspora Economics: New Perspectives
(published in: International Journal of Manpower, 37(7), 1110-1135)

IZA Discussion Papers

No. Author(s)
9726 Alpaslan Akay
Amelie F. Constant
Corrado Giulietti
Martin Guzi
Ethnic Diversity and Well-Being
(published in: Journal of Population Economics, 2017, 30(1), 265-306)
9338  Amelie F. Constant
Teresa García-Muñoz
Shoshana Neuman
Tzahi Neuman
A "Healthy Immigrant Effect" or a "Sick Immigrant Effect"? Selection and Policies Matter
(published in: The European Journal of Health Economics, 2018, 19(1), 103-121)
8754  Amelie F. Constant
Teresa García-Muñoz
Shoshana Neuman
Tzahi Neuman
Micro and Macro Determinants of Health: Older Immigrants in Europe
8571  Amelie F. Constant
Ethnic Identity and Work
(published in: J.D. Wright (ed) the International Encyclopedia of Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2nd Edition, 2015, 106-112)
7868  Amelie F. Constant
Simone Schüller
Klaus F. Zimmermann
Ethnic Spatial Dispersion and Immigrant Identity
(published in: Journal of Chinese Economic and Business Studies, 06 Jun 2023, 1-26 [Open Access])
7020  Amelie F. Constant
Klaus F. Zimmermann
Immigrants, Ethnic Identities and the Nation-State
(published in: International Handbook on the Economics of Migration, A.F. Constant, K.F. Zimmermann (eds), EE 2013, Cheltenham, UK, Chapter 14, 259-275)
6940  Amelie F. Constant
Olga Nottmeyer
Klaus F. Zimmermann
The Economics of Circular Migration
(published in: International Handbook on the Economics of Migration, A.F. Constant, K.F. Zimmermann (eds.), EE 2013, Cheltenham, UK, Chapter 3, 55-74)
6630  Alpaslan Akay
Amelie F. Constant
Corrado Giulietti
The Impact of Immigration on the Well-Being of Natives
(published in: Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 2014, 103, 72–92. Pre-publication version available here )
6119  Amelie F. Constant
Sizing It Up: Labor Migration Lessons of the EU Enlargement to 27
(published in: European Migration and Asylum Policies: Coherence or Contradiction, C. Gortázar, C. Parra, B. Segaert, and C. Timmerman (eds). Bruylant: Belgium, 2012, 49-77)
5650  Amelie F. Constant
Bienvenue N. Tien
Klaus F. Zimmermann
Jingzhou Meng
China's Latent Human Capital Investment: Achieving Milestones and Competing for the Top
(published in: Journal of Contemporary China, 2013, 22(79), 109-130 [Open Access] )
5398  Amelie F. Constant
Martin Kahanec
Klaus F. Zimmermann
An Expert Stakeholder's View on European Integration Challenges
(published in: Ethnic Diversity in European Labor Markets, M. Kahanec and K.F. Zimmermann (eds.), EE 2011, Cheltenham, UK, 31-54)
5396  Amelie F. Constant
Annabelle Krause
Ulf Rinne
Klaus F. Zimmermann
Reservation Wages of First and Second Generation Migrants
(published in: Applied Economics Letters, 2017, 24(13), 945-949)
5380  Amelie F. Constant
Annabelle Krause
Ulf Rinne
Klaus F. Zimmermann
Economic Preferences and Attitudes of the Unemployed: Are Natives and Second Generation Migrants Alike?
(published in: International Journal of Manpower, 2011, 32(7), 825-851 [ final version ] [ journal version ])
5353  Amelie F. Constant
Bienvenue N. Tien
African Leaders: Their Education Abroad and FDI Flows
4675  Amelie F. Constant
Olga Nottmeyer
Klaus F. Zimmermann
Cultural Integration in Germany
(published in: Cultural Integration of Immigrants in Europe , Y. Algan, A. Bisin, A. Manning, and T. Verdier (eds.), Oxford: OUP, 2012, Chapter 3, 69-124)
4660  Amelie F. Constant
Martin Kahanec
Ulf Rinne
Klaus F. Zimmermann
Ethnicity, Job Search and Labor Market Reintegration of the Unemployed
(published in: International Journal of Manpower, 2011, 32(7), 753-776 [final version] [journal version] )
4620  Amelie F. Constant
Klaus F. Zimmermann
Migration, Ethnicity and Economic Integration
(published in: International Handbook on the Economics of Integration, M.N. Jovanovic (ed.), EE 2011, Cheltenham, UK, 145-168)
4615  Amelie F. Constant
Bienvenue N. Tien
Brainy Africans to Fortress Europe: For Money or Colonial Vestiges?
4275  Amelie F. Constant
Klaus F. Zimmermann
Work and Money: Payoffs by Ethnic Identity and Gender
(published in: Research in Labor Economics, 2009, 29, 3-30)
3650  Amelie F. Constant
Martin Kahanec
Klaus F. Zimmermann
Attitudes towards Immigrants, Other Integration Barriers, and Their Veracity
(published in: International Journal of Manpower, 2009, 30(1-2), 5-14)
3644  Amelie F. Constant
Businesswomen in Germany and Their Performance by Ethnicity: It Pays to Be Self-Employed
(published in: International Journal of Manpower, 2009, 30(1-2), 145-162)
3325  Amelie F. Constant
Elena D'Agosto
Where Do the Brainy Italians Go?
(published in: The Labour Market Impact of the EU Enlargement, F.E. Caroleo and F. Pastore (eds.), Physica-Verlag Heidelberg, DE, 2010, 247-271)
3260  Amelie F. Constant
Liliya Gataullina
Klaus F. Zimmermann
Naturalization Proclivities, Ethnicity and Integration
(published in: International Journal of Manpower, 2009, 30(1-2), 70-82)
3063  Amelie F. Constant
Klaus F. Zimmermann
Measuring Ethnic Identity and Its Impact on Economic Behavior
(published in: Journal of the European Economic Association, 2008, 6(2-3), 424-433)
3050  Amelie F. Constant
Rowan Roberts
Klaus F. Zimmermann
Ethnic Identity and Immigrant Homeownership
(published in: Urban Studies, 2009, 46(9), 1879-1898)
2999  Amelie F. Constant
Klaus F. Zimmermann
Circular Migration: Counts of Exits and Years Away from the Host Country
(published as 'Circular and Repeat Migration: Counts of Exits and Years Away from the Host Country' in: Population Research and Policy Review, 2011, 30(4), 495-515 [here] )
2537  Holger Bonin
Amelie F. Constant
Konstantinos Tatsiramos
Klaus F. Zimmermann
Ethnic Persistence, Assimilation and Risk Proclivity
(substantially revised version published in: IZA Journal of Migration, 2012, 1, Article 5 [Open Access] )
2535  Laura V Zimmermann
Klaus F. Zimmermann
Amelie F. Constant
Ethnic Self-Identification of First-Generation Immigrants
(published in: International Migration Review, 2007, 41(3), 769-781)
2530  Amelie F. Constant
Martin Kahanec
Klaus F. Zimmermann
The Russian-Ukrainian Political Divide
(published in: Eastern European Economics, 2011, 49(6), 103-115 [Open Access] )
2420  Amelie F. Constant
Liliya Gataullina
Klaus F. Zimmermann
Gender, Ethnic Identity and Work
2350  Amelie F. Constant
Liliya Gataullina
Klaus F. Zimmermann
Laura V Zimmermann
Clash of Cultures: Muslims and Christians in the Ethnosizing Process
2330  Amelie F. Constant
Martin Kahanec
Klaus F. Zimmermann
The Russian-Ukrainian Earnings Divide
(published in: Economics of Transition, 2012, 20(1), 1-35 [Open Access] [ journal version ])
2300  Laura V Zimmermann
Liliya Gataullina
Amelie F. Constant
Klaus F. Zimmermann
Human Capital and Ethnic Self-Identification of Migrants
(published in: Economics Letters, 2008, 98(3), 235-239)
2040  Amelie F. Constant
Liliya Gataullina
Klaus F. Zimmermann
Ethnosizing Immigrants
(substantially revised version published in: Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 2009, 69(3), 274-287 [view leaflet] )
1999  Holger Bonin
Amelie F. Constant
Konstantinos Tatsiramos
Klaus F. Zimmermann
Native-Migrant Differences in Risk Attitudes
(published in: Applied Economics Letters, 2009, 16(15), 1581-1586)
1910  Amelie F. Constant
Klaus F. Zimmermann
Legal Status at Entry, Economic Performance, and Self-employment Proclivity: A Bi-national Study of Immigrants
1830  Spyros Konstantopoulos
Amelie F. Constant
The Gender Gap Reloaded: Is School Quality Linked to Labor Market Performance?
(substantially revised version published as 'The Gender Gap Reloaded: Are School Characteristics Linked to Labor Market Performance?' in: Social Science Research, 2008, 37(2), 374-385)
1715  Amelie F. Constant
Klaus F. Zimmermann
Immigrant Performance and Selective Immigration Policy: A European Perspective
(published in: National Institute Economic Review, 2005, 194(1), 94-105)
1440  Amelie F. Constant
Klaus F. Zimmermann
The Making of Entrepreneurs in Germany: Are Native Men and Immigrants Alike?
(published in: Small Business Economics, 2006, 26(3), 279-300)
1425  Spyros Konstantopoulos
Amelie F. Constant
Gender Differences Across the Earnings Distribution: Evidence from NLS:86 & HSB:92
1386  Amelie F. Constant
Klaus F. Zimmermann
Self-Employment Dynamics Across the Business Cycle: Migrants Versus Natives
(substantially revised version published as 'Self-employment Against Employment or Unemployment: Markov Transitions Across the Business Cycle' in: Eurasian Business Review, 2014, 4(1), 51-87 [Open Access] )
1234  Amelie F. Constant
Immigrant versus Native Businesswomen: Proclivity and Performance
(substantially revised version published as 'Female Proclivity to the World of Business' in: Kyklos, 2006, 59(4), 465-480)
975  Amelie F. Constant
Klaus F. Zimmermann
Occupational Choice Across Generations
(published in: Applied Economics Quarterly, 2003, 49(4), 299-317)
960  Amelie F. Constant
Klaus F. Zimmermann
Circular Movements and Time Away from the Host Country
(substantially revised version published as 'Circular and Repeat Migration: Counts of Exits and Years Away from the Host Country' in: Population Research and Policy Review, 2011, 30(4), 495-515)
940  Amelie F. Constant
Yochanan Shachmurove
Klaus F. Zimmermann
What Makes an Entrepreneur and Does It Pay? Native Men, Turks, and Other Migrants in Germany
(published in: International Migration, 2007, 45(4), 69-98)
885  Amelie F. Constant
Klaus F. Zimmermann
The Dynamics of Repeat Migration: A Markov Chain Analysis
(published in: International Migration Review, 2012, 46(2), 361-387)
879  Amelie F. Constant
Yochanan Shachmurove
Entrepreneurial Ventures and Wage Differentials Between Germans and Immigrants
(published in: International Journal of Manpower, 2006, 27(3), 208-229 )
866  Amelie F. Constant
Immigrant Adjustment in France and Impacts on the Natives
(published in: European Migration: What Do We Know, K.F. Zimmermann (ed.), Oxford: OUP, 2005)
This paper has repeatedly been among the Top 10 monthly downloads.  
Amelie F. Constant
Douglas S. Massey
Labor Market Segmentation and the Earnings of German Guestworkers
(published in: Population Research and Policy Review, 2005, 24(6), 5-30)
672  Amelie F. Constant
Douglas S. Massey
Self-Selection, Earnings, and Out-Migration: A Longitudinal Study of Immigrants to Germany
(published in: Journal of Population Economics, 16(4), 2003, 631-653)
671  Amelie F. Constant
Spyros Konstantopoulos
School Effects and Labor Market Outcomes for Young Adults in the 1980s and 1990s
(published in: Applied Economics Quarterly, 49(1), 2003, 5-22)