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< Migration Migration Migration Migration Migration Migration Migration Migration Migration Migration Migration Migration Migration Migration Migration Migration Migration Migration Migration Migration

This page is maintained by Benjamin Elsner and Martin Kahanec.

The Migration Program Area focuses on the many dimensions of the growing international and internal migration. It is concerned with the determinants of the supply and demand for migration, including immigration law and the legal status of migrants. It is also interested in the many aspects of the adjustment of the migrants and their descendants in the destination, including public policies regarding absorption and assimilation. Moreover, the program area is concerned with the impact of the migration on both the origin and the destination. The implications of the analyses for immigration policy, absorption and assimilation policy, and other public policies will also be developed.

For general information about this program area, please contact: migration@iza.org

Core members of this program area:
Dr. Tommaso Colussi, Research Associate
Prof. Dr. Amelie F. Constant, Research Fellow
Dr. Ahmed Elsayed, Research Associate
Dr. Benjamin Elsner, Senior Research Associate
Dr. Ingo E. Isphording, Research Associate
Prof. Dr. Martin Kahanec, Visiting Research Fellow
Dr. Annabelle Krause, Research Associate
Dr. Milena Nikolova, Research Associate
Prof. Dr. Konstantinos Tatsiramos, Program Director and Visiting Research Fellow

Affiliated members of this program area:
Prof. Dr. Alpaslan Akay, Visiting Research Fellow
Prof. Dr. Peter J. Kuhn, Visiting Research Fellow
Elie Murard, Research Associate
Dr. Maryam Naghsh Nejad, Research Associate
Dr. Olga Nottmeyer, Managing Editor IZA World of Labor
Dr. Ulf Rinne, Deputy Director of Research and Personal Advisor to the Director
Prof. Dr. Jo Ritzen, Senior Advisor Policy
Prof. Dr. Anzelika Zaiceva, Visiting Research Fellow

Please click here to see the full list of IZA Research Fellows and Affiliates participating in this program area.

The Migration Area holds an annual meeting (AM2) and a biennial topic week (MTW).

Amelie F. Constant,
Program Director, Temple University

Tel.: +49 228 38 94 301
Email: constant@iza.org
Benjamin Elsner,
Deputy Program Director, IZA

Tel.: +49-228 38 94 522
Email: elsner@iza.org
Martin Kahanec,
Deputy Program Director, Central European University

Tel.: +421 907 323324
Email: kahanec@iza.org


Recent Discussion Papers
Selected Publications
Useful Links


Challenges for African migration to Europe discussed at the 12th Annual Migration Meeting

A Policy Symposium within the 12th AM² in Dakar/Senegal on April 21 brought together dignitaries, policymakers, academics, and representatives of migrant organizations who discussed how it can be avoided that migrants lose their lives on their way to Europe and how migration can help Africa to thrive economically.

Working Without Borders: A Manifesto for Europe’s Future

In May 2014, leading European labor economists published a manifesto calling for a European Charter for Migration.

First Handbook on the Economics of Migration

While the scope of migration is extending persistently, there is no adequate authoritative treatment of its various branches in one volume. To close this gap, Edward Elgar has just published (September 2013) the first International Handbook on the Economics of Migration edited by IZA Program Director of Migration, Amelie F. Constant, and IZA Director, Klaus F. Zimmermann.
The new Handbook goes beyond providing basic information on migration. It offers the latest experiences on migration research and tackles frontier issues in the field. It provides comprehensive guidance to economics scholars, inquiring researchers, students of migration and policy advisers. This Handbook is a carefully commissioned and refereed compilation of 28 state-of-the-art chapters of research in the economics of migration written by 44 leading experts in the field.
Each chapter comprises a critical assessment of the status quo and presents challenges to the traditional economics of migration by addressing taboo issues. Structured in five sensible parts, the topics explored include: child labor migrants; immigrant educational mismatch; ethnic hiring; immigrants, wages and obesity; ethnic identities and the nation state; natural disasters and migration; immigration-religiosity intersections; immigration and crime; immigrants’ time use; happiness and migration; diaspora resources and policies; and the evaluation of immigration policies.

IZA Journal of Migration

The IZA Journal of Migration covers all issues related to the economics of migration and ethnicity in developed or developing countries. The journal constitutes the first platform dedicated to fostering the international debate and to promoting publication excellence in the field of migration economics.

Amelie F. Constant, George Washington University and Temple University
Denis Fougère, CNRS, ENSAE and Sciences Po'(Paris)

Managing Editor
Tommaso Colussi, IZA

Editorial Office of the IZA Journal Series
Chau Giang Bui, IZA

Editor-in-Chief of the IZA Journal Series
Klaus F. Zimmermann, IZA and Bonn University

IZA Journal of Migration

The IZA Journal of Migration covers all issues related to the economics of migration and ethnicity in developed or developing countries. The journal constitutes the first platform dedicated to fostering the international debate and to promoting publication excellence in the field of migration economics.

Amelie F. Constant, George Washington University and Temple University
Denis Fougère, CNRS, ENSAE and Sciences Po'(Paris)

Managing Editor
Corrado Giulietti, IZA

Editorial Office of the IZA Journal Series
Chau Giang Bui, IZA

Editor-in-Chief of the IZA Journal Series
Klaus F. Zimmermann, IZA and Bonn University

The Annual Meeting of the Migration Area

The Migration Research Area at IZA has established an annual meeting since its creation in 2004.The highlight of the two-day Annual Migration Meeting (AM², pronounced AMsquared) is the Julian Simon Lecture. Every other year, the AMsquared spans a week, combined with the Migration Topic Week (MTW). The AM² takes place at IZA in Bonn but also internationally.

Recent Meeting:

2015: The 12th AM² and 5th MTW in Dakar, Senegal, brought the meeting to the next level through a separate but integrated “Policy Symposium Migration” day, which took place on April 21st, 2015, and brought together high-profile policymakers, academics, and representatives of migrant organizations.

The Julian Simon Lecture

The Annual Migration Meeting (AM²) established the Julian Simon Keynote Lecture in honor of Julian Simon, in recognition of his research on the economic effects of population change. Below we list the Julian Simon Lecturers and their lectures starting in 2004.

2004 Lecture: Don J. DeVoretz, "Immigration Policy: Methods and Assessment" [download PDF]
2005 Lecture: Klaus F. Zimmermann, "Fortress Europe: The Price of Being Closed"
2006 Lecture: Timothy J. Hatton, "Should We Have a WTO for International Migration?" [download PDF]
2007 Lecture: Barry R. Chiswick, "The Economics of Language" [download PDF]
2008 Lecture: Sara de la Rica, "Immigration in Spain: Facts, Economic Outcomes and Lessons" [download PDF]
2009 Lecture: Jeffrey G. Williamson, "Vanishing Third World Emigrants?" [download PDF]
2010 Lecture: Eskil Wadensjö, "Experiences of the Common Nordic Labour Market" [download PDF]
2011 Lecture: Douglas S. Massey, "The Political Economy of Illegal Migration" [download PDF]
2012 Lecture: Guillermina Jasso, "Studying Immigrant Self-Selection"
2013 Lecture: Amelie F. Constant, "Natives' Happiness and the Ethnic Identity of Immigrants"
2014 Lecture: Francine D. Blau, "Immigrants and Gender Roles: Assimilation vs. Culture" [download PDF]
2015 Lecture:Graziella Bertochhi, "The Legacies of Slavery in and out of Africa" [download PDF]

Migration Topic Week

The "Migration Topic Week" (MTW) is a biennial gathering of migration scholars and is held in tandem with the Annual Migration Meeting (AM²). The first MTW was held in 2006 at IZA, Bonn. The last 5th IZA Migration Topic Week took place in Dakar, Senegal from April 20 to April 25, 2015.

The idea of MTW is to create a forum of discussions on migration, to provide the opportunities to have useful interactions and engage in long discussions with both young scholars and senior researchers in migration, to have highly stimulating and provocative meetings, to brainstorm, and to converge to possible fruitful collaborations.

This forum is not confined to the constrained format of a conference or a workshop. We especially invite researchers who want to work together on migration projects during this week. We expect to have longer lectures from the participants and end the week with our Annual Migration Meeting (AM²). All participants are expected to interface and have an active role during the week and at the AM².

The Annual Meeting on the Economics of Risky Behaviors

In 2009, in collaboration with DIWDC and Georgia State University, IZA started a new Annual Meeting on the Economics of Risky Behaviors (AMERB),organized by Program Director Amelie F. Constant and IZA fellow and professor at Georgia State Erdal Tekin.

Other Area Events

The Migration Research Area has held numerous events, meetings and conferences over the years. Some of these events have been co-funded by prestigious foundations and the EU Commission. Below, we list some meetings chronologically. The 'events' page of IZA contains all events of the area.

IZA/UI Workshop on Migration

The IZA/UI Workshop on Migration was in collaboration with the Urban Institute and was held at the Urban Institute in Washington, DC in 2004.

The Migration Ethnicity Meetings

The Migration Ethnicity Meetings (MEM), within IZA's grant by the Volkswagen Foundation, are examples of interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary events that the area held. They are meetings of the funded project: The Economics and Persistence of Migrant Ethnicity.
IZA is also providing and maintaining the webpage for all VW funded groups.

Within the Volkswagen Foundation funding three-year project, IZA organized other focus groups meetings with great success:

  • The IZA Interethnic Practitioners' Meeting on Entrepreneurship

  • The IZA Interethnic Practitioners' Meeting on Naturalization and Citizenship

  • The IZA Interethnic Practitioners' Meeting on Interethnic Marriages

EU Enlargement Project

Within the EU Enlargement project IZA has held a series of workshops and meetings:

In 2009 and 2011 a series of book launch events "IZA on Tour" promoting a book edited by Martin Kahanec and Klaus F. Zimmermann "EU Labor Markets after Post-Enlargement Migration" (Berlin: Springer, 2010) visited several intellectual and policy hubs worldwide: Berlin, Brussels, Washington DC, Stockholm, Dublin, Riga, Beijing, London, Warsaw, Maastricht, Vienna, and Budapest.

Ethnic Minority Project

The Ethnic Minority project, co-funded by the EU Commission also held the Workshops: Social and Labor Market Integration of Ethnic Minorities at IZA, Bonn and the Social and Labour Market Integration of Ethnic Minorities in the European Union: Challenges and Prospects in Brussels, BE in 2007.


Press coverage of IZA commentary of Germany's labor market opening to Eastern European workers (May 1, 2011)

Other news items:

- Amelie Constant in AICGS Advisor: "Women and Entrepreneurship in Germany" [view text]
- Richard B. Freeman and Harry J. Holzer testify before U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee [view text]
- Amelie Constant in AICGS Advisor: "Immigration at a Critical Juncture" [view text]
- Klaus F. Zimmermann in IZA Compact (April 2006): "Immigration Policy at a Crossroads?" (p. 16) [view text]
- Klaus F. Zimmermann in IZA Compact (April 2011): "New Freedom of Movement for Eastern Europe" (p. 16) [view text]

IZA Director calls for fundamental changes in German immigration policy

In view of the skilled labor shortage in Germany, IZA Director Klaus F. Zimmermann has urged policymakers to ease the current restrictions on labor immigration. An export nation like Germany "cannot survive in the globalized world" without opening its labor market to qualified foreign workers, said Zimmermann in an interview with the news agency "ddp". At the same time he proposed the establishment of a "Federal Ministry for Immigration and Integration" to ensure a consistent policy with regard to all economic, social and educational aspects surrounding this issue.
For more information (in German) see:
- op-ed by Klaus F. Zimmermann in Süddeutsche Zeitung (July 27, 2010)
- IZA Standpunkt No. 28 ("Mehr ökonomische Rationalität in der Zuwanderungspolitik")

The Board of Transatlantic Advisers

The Board of Transatlantic Advisers comprises some of the most influential academicians and policy intellectuals with profound expertise on current labor and migration challenges from both sides of the Atlantic. The main role of the Board is to inform IZA's research agenda by firmly connecting it to the critical scientific and policy issues in the areas of migration, immigrant integration, and the associated transatlantic challenges. The IZA's Migration Program Area frequently consults its research projects with David G. Blanchflower (UK), Barry R. Chiswick (US), Jose Manuel Fresno-Garcia (Spain), Guillermina Jasso (US), Douglas S. Massey (US) and Rita Süssmuth (Germany).
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EU Enlargement and the Labor Markets

Funded by: None
Project Start: 2006/11/01
Project End: 2019/12/31
Project leader(s): Martin Kahanec (Central European University and IZA),  Klaus F. Zimmermann (University of Bonn)
Participants: Anzelika Zaiceva (University of Modena and Reggio Emilia and IZA),  Holger Hinte (IZA)
Short Description: This Migration Program research sub-area combines IZA's internal scientific potential with the expertise of external researchers to address three primary scientific objectives. First, we assess the effects of the 2004, 2007 and 2013 EU enlargements on the labor markets of the fifteen pre-2004 member states as well as the eleven new members from Central and Eastern Europe. The second objective is to evaluate the different migration policies adopted by the old and new member states as well as the European Union regarding mobility in an enlarged EU. The third objective of this research sub-area is to enlighten the intensive and yet rather uninformed debate about the role of post-enlargement migration for economic adjustment in the crisis-stricken labor markets of the Euro Area and the EU as a whole. To foster collaboration with external experts on achieving these objectives, the IZA Expert Network on EU Enlargement and the Labor Markets has been established. The network is coordinated by Martin Kahanec and currently involves nine members (Alan Barrett, Ireland; Denis Fougere, France; Marek Gora, Poland; Joop Hartog, The Netherlands; Timothy J. Hatton, The UK; Mihails Hazans, Latvia; Peder J. Pedersen, Denmark; Sara de la Rica, Spain; and Eskil Wadensjö, Sweden). A highlight achievement of this research sub-area is the edited volume "EU Labor Markets after Post-Enlargement Migration", M. Kahanec and K.F. Zimmermann (eds.), Berlin: Springer, (2010), praised as "Noteworthy in Industrial Relations and Labor Economics" by Princeton University for 2010.
Last updated: 2009/07/27
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Recent Discussion Papers

No. Author(s) Title Date PDF Link to Abstract
9846 Patricia Cortes, Jessica Pan When Time Binds: Returns to Working Long Hours and the Gender Wage Gap among the Highly Skilled March 2016 Abstract
9837 Björn Anders Gustafsson, Katarina Katz, Torun Österberg Residential Segregation from Generation to Generation: Intergenerational Association in Socio-Spatial Context among Visible Minorities and the Majority Population in Metropolitan Sweden March 2016 Abstract
9836 Maria De Paola, Giorgio Brunello Education as a Tool for the Economic Integration of Migrants March 2016 Abstract
9794 Michele Tuccio, Jackline Wahba, Bachir Hamdouch International Migration: Driver of Political and Social Change? March 2016 Abstract
9793 Matt Vogel, Maarten van Ham Disentangling Neighborhood Effects in Person-Context Research: An Application of a Neighborhood-Based Group Decomposition March 2016 Abstract
9792 Pedro Carneiro, Sokbae Lee, Hugo Reis Please Call Me John: Name Choice and the Assimilation of Immigrants in the United States, 1900-1930 March 2016 Abstract
9791 Barry R. Chiswick, Paul W. Miller Does Bilingualism among the Native Born Pay? March 2016 Abstract
9790 Andreas Steinmayr Exposure to Refugees and Voting for the Far-Right: (Unexpected) Results from Austria March 2016 Abstract
9789 Michael A. Clemens, Claudio Montenegro, Lant Pritchett Bounding the Price Equivalent of Migration Barriers
March 2016 Abstract
9788 Dany Bahar, Hillel Rapoport Migration, Knowledge Diffusion and the Comparative Advantage of Nations March 2016 Abstract
9763 Stijn Baert, Sunčica Vujić Immigrant Volunteering: A Way Out of Labour Market Discrimination? February 2016 Abstract
9762 Gil S. Epstein, Odelia Heizler (Cohen) The Formation of Networks in the Diaspora February 2016 Abstract
9760 Barry R. Chiswick, Zhiling Wang Social Contacts, Dutch Language Proficiency and Immigrant Economic Performance in the Netherlands: A Longitudinal Study February 2016 Abstract
9759 Olof Aslund, Mattias Engdahl Open Borders, Transport Links and Local Labor Markets February 2016 Abstract
9755 Ainhoa Aparicio Fenoll, Zoë Kuehn Education Policies and Migration across European Countries February 2016 Abstract
9747 Lisa A. Cameron, Xin Meng, Dandan Zhang China's Sex Ratio and Crime: Behavioral Change or Financial Necessity? February 2016 Abstract
9746 Fei Wang, Liqiu Zhao, Zhong Zhao China's Family Planning Policies and Their Labor Market Consequences February 2016 Abstract
9732 Mizuki Komura, Hikaru Ogawa The Prodigal Son: Does the Younger Brother Always Care for His Parents in Old Age? February 2016 Abstract
9731 Dripto Bakshi, Indraneel Dasgupta Identity Conflict with Cross-Border Spillovers February 2016 Abstract
9730 Michael A. Clemens, Lant Pritchett The New Economic Case for Migration Restrictions: An Assessment
February 2016 Abstract
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Selected Publications


Amelie F. Constant, Klaus F. Zimmermann "International Handbook on the Economics of Migration", Edward Elgar: Cheltenham 2013.
Martin Kahanec, Klaus F. Zimmermann "Ethnic Diversity in the European Labor Markets: Challenges and Solutions", Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd. Cheltenham: 2011.
Martin Kahanec, Klaus F. Zimmermann "EU Labor Markets after Post-Enlargement Migration", Springer Verlag: Berlin 2009, 320 pages.
Klaus F. Zimmermann, Thomas Bauer, Holger Bonin, René Fahr, Holger Hinte "Migrant Labor Demand in the Face of High Unemployment. An Economic Integration Concept for Germany", Springer-Verlag: Berlin et al. 2007.
Holger Hinte, Klaus F. Zimmermann, Ernst Fehr, Holger Bonin "Immigration Policy and the Labor Market: The German Experience and Lessons for Europe ", Springer: Berlin et al. 2007.
Klaus F. Zimmermann, Holger Hinte "Zuwanderung und Arbeitsmarkt. Deutschland und Dänemark im Vergleich", Springer-Verlag: Berlin et al. 2005, 322 pages.
Klaus F. Zimmermann "European Migration: What Do We Know?", Oxford University Press: Oxford/New York 2005, 653 pages.
Torben Tranæs, Klaus F. Zimmermann "Migrants, Work, and the Welfare State", University Press of Southern Denmark: Odense 2004, 436 pages.
Klaus Zimmermann, Amelie F. Constant "How Labor Migrants Fare", Springer-Verlag: Berlin, et al. 2004, 424 pages.
Thomas Bauer, Klaus F. Zimmermann "The Economics of Migration", in: , Edward Elgar Publishing: Cheltenham: Cheltenham, UK, and Northampton, USA 2002.

Collective Volume Articles:

Amelie F. Constant, Klaus Zimmermann "Immigrants, Ethnic Identities and the Nation-State", in: International Handbook on the Economics of Migration , 2013, 259-275.
Amelie F. Constant, Olga Nottmeyer, Klaus F. Zimmermann "The Economics of Circular Migration", in: International Handbook on the Economics of Migration, 2013, 55-74.
Martin Kahanec "Labor Mobility in an Enlarged European Union", in: A. F. Constant, K. F. Zimmermann (eds.), International Handbook on the Economics of Migration, Edward Elgar: Cheltenham, UK, and Northampton 2013, pp. 137-152.
Corrado Giulietti, Jackline Wahba "Welfare Migration", in: Amelie F. Constant and Klaus F. Zimmermann (ed.), International Handbook on the Economics of Migration, Edward Elgar: Cheltenham, UK, and Northampton, USA 2013, 489-504.
Martin Kahanec "European Union Expansion and Migration", in: Ness, Immanuel (ed.), The Encyclopedia of Global Human Migration, Wiley: Hoboken, NJ 2013.
Klaus F. Zimmermann "Ökonomische Ursachen und Folgen von Migration", in: R. Neck and H. Schmidinger (ed.), Migration, Verlag Böhlau: Vienna 2013, 149-162.
Amelie F. Constant "Sizing It Up: Labor Migration Lessons of the EU Enlargement to 27", in: European Migration and Asylum Policies: Coherence or Contradiction, 2012, 49-77).
Amelie F. Constant, Olga Nottmeyer, Klaus Zimmermann "Cultural Integration in Germany", in: Yann Algan, Alberto Bisin, Alan Manning and Thierry Verdie (ed.), Cultural Integration of Immigrants in Europe, OUP: Oxford 2012, 69 - 124.
Amelie F. Constant, Klaus Zimmermann "Migration, Ethnicity and Economic Integration", in: M. N. Jovanovic (ed.), International Handbook on the Economics of Integration, Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, 2011, 145 - 168.
Martin Kahanec, Klaus Zimmermann "High-Skilled Immigration Policy in Europe", in: Barry R. Chiswick (ed.), High Skilled Immigration in a Global Labor Market, The AEI Press: Washington DC 2011, 264-314.
Martin Kahanec, Anzelika Zaiceva, Klaus Zimmermann "Ethnic Minorities in the European Union: An Overview", in: M. Kahanec and K. F. Zimmermann (eds.), Ethnic Diversity in European Labor Markets , Edward Elgar Publishing: Cheltenham 2011, 1-30.
Martin Kahanec, Klaus Zimmermann "A policy agenda for diversity and minority integration", in: Martin Kahanec, Klaus F. Zimmermann (ed.), Ethnic Diversity in European Labor Markets: Challenges and Solutions, Edward Elgar: Cheltenham, UK, and Northampton, USA 2011.
Martin Kahanec, Klaus F. Zimmermann "The Practice of Minority Integration in the European Union: What works", in: Martin Kahanec, Klaus F. Zimmermann (ed.), Ethnic Diversity in European Labor Markets: Challenges and Solutions, Edward Elgar: Cheltenham, UK, and Northampton, USA 2011.
Amelie F. Constant, Elena D'Agosto "Where Do the Brainy Italians Go?", in: F.E. Caroleo and F. Pastore (eds.), The Labour Market Impact of the EU Enlargement, Physica Verlag, Heidelberg, Physica-Verlag: Heidelberg 2010.
Martin Kahanec, Mutlu Yuksel "Intergenerational Transfer of Human Capital under Post-War Distress: The Displaced and the Roma in the Former Yugoslavia", in: Gil Epstein and Ira Gang (eds.), Migration and Culture, Frontiers of Economics and Globalization, Emerald Publishing: Bingley 2010, Vol. 8, 415-443.
Martin Kahanec, Klaus F. Zimmermann "Migration and Globalization: Challenges and Perspectives for the Research Infrastructure", in: German Data Forum (RatSWD): Buildung on Progress: Expanding the Research Infrastructure for the Social, Economic, and Behavioral Sciencs , Opladen and Farmington Hills, MI 2010, Vol. 2, 689-701.
Martin Kahanec "Ethnic Competition and Specialization", in: Gil Epstein and Ira Gang (eds.), Migration and Culture, Frontiers of Economics and Globalization, Emerald Publishing: Bingley 2010, Vol. 8, 205-229.
Martin Kahanec, Anzelika Zaiceva, Klaus Zimmermann "Lessons from Migration after EU Enlargement", in: M. Kahanec and K. F. Zimmermann (eds.), EU Labor Markets after Post-Enlargement Migration, Springer: Berlin, et al. 2009, 3-45.
Klaus Zimmermann "Labor Mobility and the Integration of European Labor Markets", in: E. Nowotny; P. Mooslechechner; Ritzberger-Grünwald, D. (ed.), The Integration of European Labour Markets, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2009: Cheltenham, UK, and Northampton, USA 2009, 9 - 23.
Holger Bonin, Rowan Roberts, Klaus F. Zimmermann "Comparing and Evaluating Public Expenditure on Migration", in: Solon Arttitis and Fran Laczk (ed.), Assessing the Costs and Impacts of Migration Policy: An International Comparison, International Orgazination for Migration: Geneva 2008, 137 - 189.
Thomas Bauer, Barbara Dietz, Klaus Zimmermann, Eric Zwintz "German Migration: Development, Assimilation, and Labor Market Effects", in: European Migration: What Do We Know?, OUP: Oxford 2005, K.F. Zimmermann, 197-261.
Amelie F. Constant "Immigrant Adjustment in France and Impact on Natives", in: K.F. Zimmermann (ed.), European Migration: What Do We Know?, OUP: Oxford 2005, 263-302.

Journal Articles:

Michael Fertig, Martin Kahanec "Mobility in an Enlarging European Union: Projections of Potential Flows from EU's Eastern Neighbors and Croatia", in: IZA Journal of Migration, 2015, 4:6.
Milena Nikolova, Carol Lee Graham "In Transit: The Well-Being of Migrants from Transition and Post-Transition Countries", in: Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 2015, 112, 164-186.
Alpaslan Akay, Amelie F. Constant, Corrado Giulietti "The Impact of Immigration on the Well-Being of Natives", in: Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 2014, 103, 72–92.
Linguère Mously Mbaye ""Barcelona or Die": Understanding Illegal Migration from Senegal", in: IZA Journal of Migration, 2014, 3:21.
Alassane Drabo, Linguère Mously Mbaye "Climate Change, Natural Disasters and Migration: An Empirical Analysis in Developing Countries", in: Environment and Development Economics, 2014.
Martin Kahanec, Klaus Zimmermann "Migration, the Quality of the Labour Force and Economic Inequality", in: IZA Journal of Migration, 2014, 3:2.
Anzelika Zaiceva, Klaus Zimmermann "Children, Kitchen, Church: Does Ethnicity Matter?", in: Review of Economics of the Household, 2014, 12 (1), 83-103.
Ingo E. Isphording, Sebastian Otten "Linguistic Barriers in the Destination Language Acquisition of Immigrants", in: Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 2014, 105, 30–50.
Ingo E. Isphording "Disadvantages of Linguistic Origin: Evidence from Immigrant Literacy Scores", in: Economics Letters, 2014, 123, 236–239 .
Matloob Piracha, Massimiliano Tani, Matias Vaira-Lucero "Social Capital and Immigrants' Labour Market Performance", in: Papers in Regional Science, 2014, early view.
Stéphane Mahuteau, Matloob Piracha, Massimiliano Tani, Matias Vaira-Lucero "Immigration Policy and Entrepreneurship", in: International Migration, 2014, 52 (2), 53 -65.
Mehtap Akgüc, Corrado Giulietti, Klaus F. Zimmermann "The RUMiC Longitudinal Survey: Fostering Research on Labor Markets in China", in: IZA Journal of Labor & Development, 2014, 3:5.
Alpaslan Akay, Corrado Giulietti, Juan David Robalino, Klaus F. Zimmermann "Remittances and Well-Being among Rural-to-Urban Migrants in China", in: Review of Economics of the Household, 2014, 12 (3), 517 -546.
Martin Kahanec, Klaus Zimmermann "How Skilled Immigration May Improve Economic Equality", in: IZA Journal of Migration, 2014, 3:2.
Martin Kahanec "Roma Integration in European Labor Markets", in: IZA World of Labor, 2014, May.
Costanza Biavaschi, Klaus Zimmermann "Eastern Partnership Migrants in Germany: Outcomes, Potentials and Challenges", in: IZA Journal of European Labor Studies,, 2014, 3:7.
Corrado Giulietti "Is the Minimum Wage a Pull Factor for Immigrants?", in: Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 2014, 67 (3), 649-674.
Annabelle Krause, Ulf Rinne, Simone Schüller "Kick It Like Özil? Decomposing the Native-Migrant Education Gap", in: International Migration Review (early view), 2014.
Olga Nottmeyer "Relative Labor Supply in Intermarriage", in: IZA Journal of Migration , 2014, 3:3.
Corrado Giulietti, Martin Guzi, Martin Kahanec, Klaus F. Zimmermann "Unemployment Benefits and Immigration: Evidence from the EU", in: International Journal of Manpower, 2013, 34(1-2), 24-38.
Benjamin Elsner "Does Emigration Benefit the Stayers? Evidence from EU Enlargement", in: Journal of Population Economics, 2013, 26 (2), 531-553.
Benjamin Elsner "Emigration and Wages: The EU Enlargement Experiment", in: Journal of International Economics, 2013, 91(1), 154-163.
Martin Kahanec, Brian Fabo "Migration Strategies of the Crisis-Stricken Youth in an Enlarged European Union", in: Transfer: European Review of Labor and Research, 2013, 19 (3), 365-380.
Martin Kahanec, Anna Myunghee Kim, Klaus Zimmermann "Pitfalls of Immigrant Inclusion into the European Welfare State", in: International Journal of Manpower, 2013, 34 (1), 39-55.
Corrado Giulietti, Martin Guzi, Martin Kahanec, Klaus Zimmermann "Unemployment Benefits and Immigration: Evidence from the EU", in: International Journal of Manpower, 2013, 34 (1), 24-38.
Martin Kahanec, Michael P. Shields "The Working Hours of Immigrants in Germany: Temporary versus Permanent", in: IZA Journal of Migration, 2013, 2:14.
Gavin Chan, Christopher Heaton, Massimiliano Tani "The Wage Premium of Foreign Education: New Evidence from Australia", in: Australian Economic Review, 2013, 46(4), 395-404.
Corrado Giulietti, Jackline Wahba, Klaus F. Zimmermann "Entrepreneurship of the Left-Behind", in: Research in Labor Economics, 2013, 37, 65-92.
Ingo E. Isphording, Steffen Otterbach " The Costs of Babylon – Linguistic Distance in Applied Economics", in: Review of International Economics, 2013, 21 (2), 177 – 385.
Yuling Cui, Daehoon Nahm, Massimiliano Tani "The Determinants of Rural Migrants' Employment Choice in China: Results from a Joint Estimation", in: Procedia Economics and Finance, 2012, 1, 98-107.
Massimiliano Tani "Does Immigration Policy Affect the Education-Occupation Mismatch? Evidence from Australia", in: Australian Bulletin of Labour, 2012, 38(2), 111-141.
Matloob Piracha, Massimiliano Tani, Florin Vadean "Immigrant Over- and Under-education: The Role of Home Country Labour Market Experience", in: IZA Journal of Migration, 2012, 1, Article 3.
Holger Bonin, Amelie F. Constant, Konstantinos Tatsiramos, Klaus Zimmermann "Ethnic persistence, assimilation and risk proclivity", in: IZA Journal of Migration, 2012, 1, Article 5.
Amelie F. Constant, Annabelle Krause, Ulf Rinne, Klaus F. Zimmermann "Economic Preferences and Attitudes of the Unemployed: Are Natives and Second Generation Migrants Alike?", in: International Journal of Manpower, 2011, 32 (7), 825-851.
Amelie F. Constant, Martin Kahanec, Ulf Rinne, Klaus F. Zimmermann "Ethnicity, Job Search and Labor Market Reintegration of the Unemployed", in: International Journal of Manpower, 2011, 32 (7), 753 - 776.
Anzelika Zaiceva, Klaus Zimmermann "Do Ethnic Minorities "Stretch" Their Time? Evidence from the UK Time Use Survey", in: Review of Economics of the Household, 2011, 9 (2), 181-206.
Anzelika Zaiceva "East-West Migration and Gender: Is there a “Double Disadvantage” vis-à-vis Stayers?", in: Labour Economics, 2010, 17 (2), 443-454.
Amelie F. Constant, Klaus F. Zimmermann "Work and Money: Payoffs by Ethnic Identity and Gender", in: Research in Labor Economics, 2009, 29, 3 - 30.
Amelie F. Constant, Martin Kahanec, Klaus F. Zimmermann "Attitudes towards Immigrants, Other Integration Barriers, and Their Veracity", in: International Journal of Manpower, 2009, 30 (1-2), 5 - 14.
Amelie F. Constant " Businesswomen in Germany and Their Performance by Ethnicity: It Pays to Be Self-Employed", in: International Journal of Manpower, 2009, 30 (1-2), 145 - 162.
Amelie F. Constant, Liliya Gataullina, Klaus F. Zimmermann "Naturalization Proclivities, Ethnicity and Integration", in: International Journal of Manpower, 2009, 30 (1-2), 70 - 82.
Martin Kahanec, Klaus F. Zimmermann "International Migration, Ethnicity and Economic Inequality", in: Oxford Handbook on Economic Inequality, Oxford University Press: Oxford et al. 2009, 455 - 490 .
Martin Kahanec, Anzelika Zaiceva "Labor Market Outcomes of Immigrants and Non-Citizens in the EU: An East-West Comparison", in: International Journal of Manpower, 2009, 30 (1+2), 97-115.
Martin Kahanec, Mariapia Mendola "Social Determinants of Labor Market Status of Ethnic Minorities in Britain", in: Research in Labor Economics, 2009, 29, 167-195.
Martin Kahanec, Mehmet S. Tosun "Political Economy of Immigration in Germany: Attitudes and Citizenship Aspirations", in: International Migration Review, 2009, 43 (2), 263 - 291.
Amelie F. Constant, Klaus F. Zimmermann "Measuring Ethnic Identity and Its Impact on Economic Behavior", in: Journal of the European Economic Association, 2008, 6 (2-3), 424 - 433.
Anzelika Zaiceva, Klaus Zimmermann "Scale, Diversity, and Determinants of Labour Migration in Europe", in: Oxford Review of Economic Policy, 2008, 24 (3), 428-452.
Massimiliano Tani "Head-content or Headcount? Short-term Skilled Labour Movements as a Source of Growth", in: International Migration, 2008, 46 (3), 161-187.
Laura V Zimmermann, Liliya Gataullina, Amelie F. Constant, Klaus Zimmermann "Human Capital and Ethnic Self-Identification of Migrants", in: Economics Letters, 2008, 98 (3), 235 - 239.
Amelie F. Constant, Klaus Zimmermann "Integration von Migranten: Ethnische Identität bestimmt ökonomischen Erfolg", in: DIW Wochenbericht, 2008, 75 (42), 644 - 650.
Amelie Constant, Yochanan Shachmurove, Klaus F. Zimmermann "What Makes an Entrepreneur and Does It Pay? Native Men, Turks, and Other Migrants in Germany", in: International Migration, 2007, 45 (4), 69 - 98.
Amelie F. Constant, Klaus F. Zimmermann, Laura V Zimmermann "Ethnic Self-Identification of First-Generation Immigrants", in: International Migration Review, 2007, 41, 769 - 781.
Klaus F. Zimmermann "Migrant Ethnic Identity: Concept and Policy Implications", in: Ekonomia, 2007, 10 (1), 1 - 17.
Klaus F. Zimmermann "The Economics of Migrant Identity", in: Journal of Population Economics, 2007, 20 (3), 487 - 494, 2007, 20 (3), 487 - 494.
Karl Brenke, Klaus Zimmermann "Zuwanderung aus Mittel- und Osteuropa trotz Arbeitsmarktbarrieren deutlich gestiegen", in: DIW-Wochenbericht, 2007, 44, 645 - 653.
Amelie F. Constant, Arne Uhlendorff "Einwanderungspolitik der USA stark reformbedürftig ", in: DIW-Wochenbericht, 2007, 74 (51-52), 785 - 789.
Amelie Constant, Klaus F. Zimmermann "The Making of Entrepreneurs in Germany: Are Native Men and Immigrants Alike?", in: Small Business Economics, 2006, 26/3, 279-300.
Amelie Constant, Yochanan Shachmurove "Entrepreneurial ventures and wage differentials between Germans and immigrants", in: International Journal of Manpower, 2006, 27(3), 208-229.
Amelie Constant, Klaus F. Zimmermann "Immigrant Performance and Selective Immigration Policy: A European Perspective", in: National Institute Economic Review, 2005, 194/4, 4-15.
Klaus F. Zimmermann "European Labour Mobility: Challenges and Potentials", in: De Economist, 2005, 153 (4), 1-26.
Amelie F. Constant, Douglas S. Massey "Labor Market Segmentation and the Earnings of German Guestworkers", in: Population Research and Policy Review, 2005, 24 (6), 5-30.
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IZA - Additional Web Resources on the Topics of Migration
IZA - Database for Migration Literature
Migration Data Bases
The International Handbook on the Economics of Migration
While the scope of migration is extending persistently, there is no adequate authoritative treatment of its various branches in one volume. To close this gap, Edward Elgar has just published the first International Handbook on the Economics of Migration edited by IZA Program Director of Migration, Amelie F. Constant, and IZA Director, Klaus F. Zimmermann.
The IZA Journal of Migration
Volkswagen Foundation Initiative on Migration and Integration
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