Other Publications, White Papers, Policy Papers, Briefs, Entries, Reports
1.    “Im Ausland lebt es sich gesünder: Ältere MigrantInnen in der Europäischen Union,” ["One Is Healthier When One Lives Abroad: Older Migrants in the European Union"] March 18, 2021. Essay at ETH Zürich Ökonomenstimme, KOF Swiss Economic Institute
2.    “Latinos in the Western United States: Trends and Patterns" (w. D.S. Massey), 2021. White Paper to the Future of Latinos in the United States: Law, Opportunity and Mobility. The American Bar Foundation
3.    “Latinos in the Mid-Western United States: Trends and Patterns" (w. D.S. Massey), 2019. White Paper to the Future of Latinos in the United States: Law, Opportunity and Mobility. The American Bar Foundation
4.    “Latinos in the Southern United States: Trends and Patterns" (w. D.S. Massey), 2019. White Paper to the Future of Latinos in the United States: Law, Opportunity and Mobility. The American Bar Foundation
5.    “Latinos in the Northeastern United States: Trends and Patterns" (w. D.S. Massey). 2017. White Paper to the Future of Latinos in the United States: Law, Opportunity and Mobility. The American Bar Foundation
6.    “Migration and Happiness” IZA Compact (w. C. Giulietti), March 2015, 1-4
7.    “
Three Reasons Immigrants are Valuable for the Host Country” Op-Ed at the World of Labor, December 18, 2015
8.    “Immigration Economics, hot off the press!" piece about my review and discussion of G. Borjas' new book at CATO. June 16, 2014
9.    “Mapping Diasporas in the European Union and United States: Comparative Analysis and Recommendations for Engagement,” Report to the EU Commission with Rand Europe and IZA, Bonn (w. J. Taylor, J. Rubin, C. Giulietti, C. Giacomantonio, F. Tsang, L. Mbaye, M. Naghsh Nejad, K. Kruithof, M. Pardal, A. Hull, T. Hellgren). April 2014; 350 pages
                    Reprint: IZA Report No. 64, December 2014
10.    “5 Reasons Why Immigrants Do Not Take Natives' Jobs,” Op-Ed on The Huffington Post, August 27, 2015
                    Reprint: The Huffington Post In German August 26, 2015: "5 Gründe, warum Zuwanderer keine Arbeitsplätze wegnehmen"
                    The IZANewsRoom August 28, 2015 https://wol.iza.org/opinions/5-reasons-why-immigrants-do-not-take-natives-jobs as Op-Ed
11.   “Where Do the Brainy Italians Go and Why?” University World News, The Global Window on Higher Education, Issue No. 273, May 25, 2013, http://www.universityworldnews.com/article.php?story= 201305221618 58254&query=italy 
12.    “IZAJoM Editorial” (w. D. Fougere, C. Giulietti, K.F. Zimmermann), October 2012, 1-2
13.    “Working Hours Constraints: Impacts and Policy Implications” (w. S. Otterbach). IZA PP35, 2011
                    Reprint: DIWDC Policy Brief, December 2011
14.    “Surviving the Turbulence Is Not Enough: Can Côte d’Ivoire Flourish Again?” (w. B.N. Tien). IZA PP30, 2011
                    Reprint: DIWDC Policy Brief, September 2011
15.    “Is an Economic Sunset on the Horizon for the Land of the Rising Sun?” (w. B.N. Tien), Featured Essay in DIWDCSynopsis, September-December 2010, 28-34
16.    “Lexicographic Speculation: ‘LUV’ for the Global Economy,” (w. B.N. Tien), Featured Essay in DIWDCSynopsis, September-December 2010, 4-7
17.   “Handelswettlauf um Asien: Die Freihandelsabkommen der USA und der EU mit Südkorea” [Trade-race in Asia: The Free Trade Agreement Between the U.S. and the EU with South Korea], (w. B.N. Tien and K.F. Zimmermann), DIW-Wochenbericht, 77/25, 2010, 2-9.
                    Received Praise from the Korean Ambassador to Germany    
Reprint: “A Race for Free Trade Agreements: The U.S. and EU Battling over South Korea” (w. B.N. Tien and K.F. Zimmermann), DIWDC Policy Brief, June 2010
18.   “National Debt, Greece and the Maastricht Treaty” Featured Essay in DIWDCSynopsis, May-August 2010, 12-17
19.   “Can China Win the Tug-of-War for Talents?” (w. B.N. Tien and J.Meng), Featured Essay in DIWDCSynopsis, May-August 2010, 9-17
20.   “‘Top 10’ Countries in Debt, their Poverty and Rank in Competitiveness,” Short Essay in DIWDCSynopsis, May-August 2010, 18-19
21.   “Measuring Poverty in the World and Domestically,” Short Essay in DIWDCSynopsis, May-August 2010, 11-12
22.   “China’s Rise. How High Can it Go?” (w. B.N. Tien), Featured Essay in DIWDC-Annual Report, 2009, 33-39
23.   “Preface: Ethnicity and Labor Market Outcomes,” in Research in Labor Economics (w. K. Tatsiramos, and K.F. Zimmermann). Emerald, UK. Vol. 29, 2009, xi-xix
24.   “Im Angesicht der Krise: US-Praesidentschaftswahlen in transnationaler Sicht” [In the Face of the Crisis: U.S. Presidential Elections from a Transnational Viewpoint], (w. K.F. Zimmermann), DIW-Wochenbericht, 2008, 75/44, 688-701
Reprint: “Face to Face with the Financial Crisis: The U.S. Presidential Election from a Transnational Perspective,” (w. K.F. Zimmermann), DIW Weekly Report, 2009, No. 1
Reprint: “Face to Face with the Financial Crisis: The U.S. Presidential Election from a Transnational Perspective,” (w. K.F. Zimmermann), DIWDC Policy Brief, November 2008, 20 pp
Reprint: “Im Angesicht der Krise: Die USA vor den Praesidentschafts-wahlen 2008” [With Regard to the Crisis: The USA Presidential Elections of 2008] in Finanzmaerkte nach dem Flaechenbrand [Financial Markets after the Blaze]. Zimmermann, K.F. and Schaefer, D. editors. Gabler, Wiesbaden, 2010, 36-59
25.   “The Financial Crisis: A Roadmap to Rescuing a Faltering Economy,” (w. K.F. Zimmermann), Featured Essay in DIWDC-Annual Report, 2008
26.   “Integration von Migranten: Ethnische Identitaet bestimmt oekonomischen Erfolg” [Integration of Migrants: Ethnic Identity Determines Economic Success], (w. K.F. Zimmermann), DIW-Wochenbericht, 2008, 75/42, 644-650
Reprint: “Integration of Immigrants: Ethnic Identity Affects Economic Success,” (w. K.F. Zimmermann), Featured Essay in DIWDC-Annual Report, 2007, 23-31
                    Reprint: “Integration of Immigrants: Ethnic Identity Affects Economic Success,” (w. K.F. Zimmermann), DIWDC Policy Brief, November 2008
27.   “Study on the Social and Labour Market Integration of Ethnic Minorities.” Report for the High Level Advisory Group on Social and Labour Market Integration of Ethnic Minorities and the European Commission (w. D.J. DeVoretz, et al.), 2008
Reprint: IZA Report No. 16, 2008 (166 pages)
28.   “Einwanderungspolitik der USA stark reformbedürftig” [Needed Reforms of the US Immigration Policy], (w. A. Uhlendorff), DIW-Wochenbericht, 2007, 74/51/52, 785-789
29.   “Women and Entrepreneurship in Germany,” Issue Brief No. 12, AICGS, November 2006
30.   “Immigration at a Critical Juncture,” Op-Ed, AICGS Advisor, April 28, 2006
31.  “Zuwanderungsmotive und Erwerbseinkommen von Migranten” [Migration Motives and Immigrant Labor Earnings], (w. K. Brenke and K.F. Zimmermann), DIW-Wochenbericht, 2005, 72/46, 695-703